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Showing posts from May, 2009

Recession, a blessing in disguise

Part II 7). Another areas which can be explored for research and development is green energy. Solar, wind energy, ethanol from corn are some areas in which research can be encouraged. Currently India is on track in terms of solar energy. Lot of companies has shown interest and started heavily investing in projects related to solar energy. but the benefit will be immense if we can come up with technology which is cost effective and easily available to common people. 8). Currently India is gripped by shortage of power (electricity). Most of the cities in India witness power cuts owing to non availability of enough electricity. These power cuts are results of in efficient planning on part of the energy policy makers and politician. This is another area in which government private partnership can be helpful in creating power plants to meet the demand. 9). India has been spread heading the growth in software services. But now the focus should be shifted to product based services. Even after

Recession, a blessing in disguise

Part I In recent times recession is the buzz word used everywhere by everybody and anybody. Recession has hit hard in USA as well as in India. There is no quick solution to this problem, but gradual step by step techniques can lower the impact on the everyday life. From India's point of view the recession impact can be reduced by: 1). Voting a stable government at the center. It will ensure that the economic reforms are carried out with long term goals. Currently any government coming to power is of short cut mentality where reforms are introduced to appease the voter for the next election without having any long term plans. 2). Tap on corruption. This is very vital aspect to country's growth. Corruption menace must be stopped. It will not only increase funds in exchequer and the government will have more money at its disposable to invest in infrastructure projects. These infrastructure projects then will trigger economy by inducing money in the market. There are lot of areas i