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Space Station Growing!!!!!!!

After the Landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis Space Station completed another chapter in its quest to become the human outpost in Space. The ISS received its new sets of solar array, the power capability of the station has been enhanced paving way for new modules and lab on the Station. The Japanse space agency will have an important role to play when its lab are launched in the space in future. Japanse space agency has a lab along with a platform and a robotic arm to installed in the space. There are couple of Russian modules yet to be transported along with other American labs. The expected completion of the station is around 2010. But the completion of the station solely depends on the Space Shuttle, recently Space Shuttle had issues with the thermal blanket, before that it had problems with its fuel tank. This may sound to be glitches but they are great learning experience for NASA and its international partners. The Russian computer failure was another example on how unpredictable working in space envirnoment is. At one time during this failure NASA was thinking of abandoning the Space Station, which would have been the first time since it was occupied. The space community rose to the occasion and sorted out the problem.

Working with international partners has given the Space Station a robust look. Scientist from different countries bring variety of compentecies to the table which results in out of box approach to various problems in space. Knowledge gained in developing the space station will be useful for all participating countries and the whole mankind in years to come.

People always argue about the necessity of space program, In my opinion it is necessary to quench our thirst of understanding thing which has baffled us for long. I am always excited and thrilled to know what is beyond these skies and is there a planet in our galaxy which is similar to us or may be totally different. Are they also trying to reach? or they are just idle and doing nothing about it. This question i think will not be answered in my lifetime but i would like the people who are capable of unearthing this truth should keep on working on it.

On this note i hope that space exploration continues to grow and we should make efforts in spreading the information among the younger generation of this world so that they can dream of visiting Mars or staying on the Moon, who knows one day we might have a cricket world cup on the Moon :-)

Long live space exploration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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