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Toothless Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!

The tiger has roared again as usual but this time off the mark. Bal Thackeray the patriarch of Sena spit venom through the mouthpiece Samnna regarding none other the legend Tendulkar. Thackeray was reacting to the statement by Ted in media on mumbai. Tendulkar said that mumbai is for all indians. Taking a shot in cricketing terms Thackeray termed the statement as cheeky single. With due respect to Thackeray's cricketing knowledge (if it exist) i don't think the statement was cheeky but more of point blank view.

I have been supporting Sena (voting for them) since i got the voting rights. There approach to Hinduism in general and marathi manoos in particular has always likened by me and many. But in recent times Sena is found wanting in its approach and execution towards the cause of marathi manoos.

I always believed that there are few untouchables in this country, the modern day definition. Sachin Tendulkar, APJ Abdul Kalam and some others. The people of this country believe in them and there ability to make viable decision. They are the icons of modern generation who believes in corruption free, secular and modern India. Statements against them are not welcomed anytime. The reason being, these individuals have led there life doing what they believe and nothing else.

I am a proud maharastrain and don't agree with Bal Thackeray. First of all as rightly said by Sachin Mumbai as well as Maharashtra belongs to all Indians. The fight should be for upholding the local culture and language. Sena should conduct programs for people coming to the city to educate them about the culture and language. Every indian have been granted the right by the forefather who created the constitution to go to any part of this country. Rather than focusing on the fundamental issue Sena decided to violate one of greatest and brightest son of this country. The loss in recent assembly election is more of an indication of disassociation with Sena by Marathi Manoos. It seems to be a desperate attempt by Sena to garner support. But it seems that the target was wrong.

I am confident thackeray's statement will be rejected by majority of Maharashtrains not just because it is targeted against Sachin also it is not in line with common belief. The support is for marathi langauge and its culture.

In the end i think that the Tiger (once called) has gone old and lost all the tricks. I hope his statement is lost in oblivion and never discussed.

Bal Thackeray you have become a Tooth less Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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