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Shutup Manjrekar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recent controversy involving master blaster once again raises the questions whether so-called commentators and experts are really qualified enough to speak on a subject matter. What Manjrekar did was a publicity stunt but the worst part was that it was done at a cost of one of the world’s best cricketer. On any scale Tendulkar’s is the greatest cricketer in this universe.
Apart from showering praise on tendulkar lets concentrate on the validity of Manjrekar’s claims. First of all I don’t think that Tendulkar is kind of person who will fake injury to get out of series. The point of contention is whether he decides to play after taking account the injury or his current form. I have seen Tendulkar from days of his debut in Pakistan to his current state and I believe he is one of those cricketers who play in spite of injury, I can quote lot examples in which he continued his batting even after being injured. One such example is the famous test series against Pakistan and last test at chennai were Tendulkar single handedly took India to verge of victory only to be let down by his teammates (which is another big topic of discussion but we will give that issue a pass). In that match he was suffering from back injury but he still toiled till end as long as it was bearable. I can go on quoting such example and there is no end to it. What pained me most that it came from a man who was Tendulkar’s teammate and was only in the national team(in latter part of his careers) only on his insistence. Expressing controversial views without any insight is part and parcel of Indian culture so this issue like others will be forgotten but now onwards no one will pay attention to Manjrekar who made this baseless statement and in long run it will be Manjrekar who will be on losing side.
I don’t think Tendulkar is afraid of failures but due to his recent form and nation’s expectation he is more cautious and makes sure he is 100% fit which was not a luxury for him few years back when whole nation and team banked on him match after match.
With induction of new blood and solid Dravid he has been able to breathe easily not to mention now he can rest when he is injured and hence prolong he prolific careers.
In the end, Tendulkar I apologize on behalf of those mindless people who will never let guard down on you. Your are one of the best things happen to this nation and to its people.
And for Manjrekar I would say, “You disappointed us”


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