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History of Violience...........................

Yesterday I saw "History of Violence", Academy award nominated movie. I expected the movie to be about negative side of violence. The movie does show the menace of violence on life, but moreover it portrays a man's fight for denouncing violence.

The movie starts with two killers going on killing spree in suburban motel. Tom Stall lives a happy life in small town Millbrook Indiana. He owns a diner and his wife is lawyer along with two kids. His life changes when two criminals try to rob him at gunpoint. Tom intervenes to save his co-worker and kills both the criminals. After that incident Tom becomes a local hero and his name flashes all over the news media. At first it appears to be a fight of common man against organized crime. But it soon changes with visit of a man from Philadelphia who recognizes Tom to be Joey, dreaded criminal from Philly.
Tom fights battle between saving his family and concealing his identity. The man who had denounced violence for sake of simple life and family finds himself again in midst of violence. This time he is determined to close the chapter once for all.

The movies gives an insight in fight of a human who has history of violence to resume a normal life.

At the end of the movie Tom comes back home after killing his brother. The family is at the dinner table and they look at him in despise. Tom's little daughter and son serves dish for him with his wife looking at him in hope. The movie ends here, clearly indicating that the family (daughter, son, wife in that order) is ready to accept him and his effort to live a normal life.

I rate this movie as very good (if I give “Good Will Hunting” as excellent).


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