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Review "Syriana"

Recently I had an opportunity of viewing “Syriana”. The motion picture was nominated for academy awards, with George Clooney winning it for best supporting actor. I wanted to see this movie for a long time because of the hype and reviews over the Internet. It did not disappoint me.
The word “Syriana” is a metaphor for foreign intervention in the Middle East. The movie is geopolitical thriller. The story moves around the world from Houston Texas, Washington DC to Spain, Switzerland to middle east. The theme of the movie revolves around crude oil. The movie starts with characters around the world, Bob (George Clooney) is a CIA agent who sells two stinger missiles to a gun dealer, and one of the missiles is sold further to blue-eyed young man. Bob assassinates the gun dealer but the second missile disappears. Matt Damon is a Energy analyst trying to get a business from his company from an emir. Emir of unknown country awards an oil exploration contract to a Chinese company, American Connex had also bided the contract. In order to increase there production capabilities Connex merges with less known Killen oil company which has drilling rights to oil fields in Kazakhstan. The Kazak oil fields are very important for Connex’s survival. The US department of Justice smells rat and starts investigation into Connex-Killen merger. A Pakistani immigrant and his son are worker at the oil factory. They are given pink slip as the Chinese company takes over the operations.
The movie revolves around these characters along with Emir and his sons, a attorney from firm which is investigating the merger. The basic essence of movie is how oil politics take precedence to right and wrong. It also reflects US policy of controlling the Middle East oil using the muscle power and manipulating the truth according to there convenience.
The story is an excellent example of US flawed Middle East policy and fighting war on terror according to their needs. The best movement for me was when the emir son’s talks about education, health welfare, women’s rights and infrastructure for its people and reasons that Americans are branding him terrorist because he awarded the contract to Chinese.
Overall all stories also give insight in father and son relationship and there impacts on day-to-day life. I rate the movie to be excellent because after long time a complex subject was given an excellent treatment. George Clooney was excellent and desires a Oscar for his portray of a CIA agent. All cast and characters performed very well. The use of Farsi, Arabic and Hindi in the movie was excellent idea as it brings out the true emotion. The movie also shows apathy of immigrant workers in Middle East and insight into terrorism.
The movie ends with Americans killing the Emir’s son who is against them. The immigrant son becomes a suicides bomber and attacks the Chinese gas ship. The Emir younger son supports the Americans and succeeds his father. The Department of Justice drops the investigation in large interest of the American control over oil. George Clooney is disowned by CIA and dies in a Drone predator attack, which kills the Emir’s older son.

Overall a must watch movie…


Ammo said…
Yeah, thanks for the information.

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