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Trouble back home

India’s lackluster performance in South Africa prompted severe reply in India. For a change MPs also got into the arena. There was effigy burning and slogan shouting against I guess every member of the team along with coach Chappell. There was demands for sacking of Chappell and induction of sourav. Criticism is good positive criticism is better. But behaving like hooligans at couple of loss does not reflect the tradition of this country. With technological advances especially in IT industry world recognize Indians as smart people. But such incidences were loss of cricket game raises such indiscipline behavior is appalling. I would appreciate Sharad Pawar on his decision to back Chappell till end of the contract and give full support to the Indian team. The way Indian team is playing there is nothing much a coach can do when there is sheer lack of application on part of the batsman. The batting lineup should adjust to the condition and apply accordingly.
Regarding MPs furor I would like to emphasis that there are lot of critical issues surrounding our country then cricket. What Chappell has said may owe to his ignorance of our democracy and culture. But I think MPs are giving untoward importance to that issue and should ignore his comments. It was heartening to see that major political parties preferred to ignore the issue.
Protest should be restricted to issues relating to national security. Getting on roads at every issue creates a bad image in world which not helping anybody. Well most of the protest was in areas were political influences are to greater levels. There is no perfect formula to improve performance of the team. The nations should try to become more mature and stop getting emotional at every loss. After all it is just game of cricket. India has reached to glory in past and would rise again. Its important to sit back enjoy the game, criticize the team when needed and move on.


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